Terms & Conditions

Health & Hygiene

The health and well being of your pets are of paramount importance to us. All of the hutches, cages, toys, feeding bowls, water bottles etc are cleaned and disinfected regularly as well as deep cleaned between boarders. Daily, supervised exercise, along with plenty of cuddles form a big part of their stay with us.

It is essential to the well-being of all our guests that all animals wanting to board with us are fit and well, with any medical conditions discussed with us when booking and we reserve the right to refuse any animal we feel shows signs of illness or injury.

If any of your pets are taking any medication, we are happy to administer to your guidance.

All Rabbit boarders must be up-to-date with their vaccinations against Myxomatosis and Viral Haemorrhagic Disease (VHD) and evidence of this must be provided when you drop off your pet. This evidence will need to pre-date boarding by at least three weeks in order for your pet to stay at Fur-Babies. 

Rabbits and Guinea Pigs will receive exercise every day and all pets will not mix with any others outside of their own bonded hutch mates. If bonded pets, sharing a cage/hutch need to be separated due to illness, no extra charges will be made for additional accommodation, however, if they have to be separated due to fighting, then you will have to pay additional charges for the extra accommodation when you collect your pet. We accept no liability in the unlikely event that your pet becomes ill or passes away whilst boarding with us. Similarly, all pets are left entirely at the owners’ risk. We accept no liability for any injury sustained by you whilst on our premises.


This includes cover for;

Ø if your pet is stolen

Ø fees for treatment incurred for an illness and injury that first occurred or showed clinical signs whilst the animal was boarded with us

If your pet regrettably has to be put to sleep, a claim must be made by written request from the owner direct to our insurer. Unfortunately any injuries sustained from other boarders (e.g. two animals sharing the same enclosure) are excluded and all cover is subject to policy definitions, limitations, maximum amounts payable and other terms and conditions (full details can be supplied if requested).


Standard dry food and daily fresh fruit and vegetables is included, but if your pet is on a particular diet or you have any special requirements, please make me aware when booking and provide the relevant food and instructions. Seasonal vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, curly kale, carrots, celery, spring greens and a selection of fruit are also provided.

Payment & Collection

Prices are calculated on a per day (or part of) basis and all bookings are made in good faith with accommodation being reserved for you, therefore we ask you to provide as much notice as possible should you need to change or indeed cancel your booking. We do not ask for a deposit when booking and Full payment is due on the day of arrival, either cash or BACs payment.

If collection of your pet/s is delayed, additional charges will be applied and be required to be paid on collection. In the event of an animal not being collected within 10 days of the agreed collection date, we reserve the right to re-home the animal. Any fees incurred as a result of this action, plus the additional accommodation for the extended stay are payable in full by the owner.